Patricia Gumport (2001), in her chapter on public higher education, talks about the “legitimating ideas” behind higher education. The fundamental question is: What purposes does higher education serve? Depending on the purpose, whose responsibility is it to provide higher educationthat is, who should pay for it?
In this week’s Discussion, consider these questions of purpose and responsibility:
Should higher education primarily be seen as a public service, raising the level of education, knowledge, and culture in society? Or, should it be seen primarily as a “private good,” enabling individuals to get ahead in work and life?
Depending on the answer to this question, who should provide, and pay for, higher educationthe government, businesses, the individual, or some other entity?
Does it make a difference what kind of institution we are talking about? Consider the types of institutions described in the “Overview of U.S. Higher Education” presentation. Do some types of institutions have different purposes, and therefore imply different responsibilities, than others?
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