Below are three cartoons that touch on the subject of followership in a leadership setting.(attached screenshot) Select ONE cartoon to reflect upon. You have wide latitude in what you choose to write about. Here is a list of topics you might choose from: What does the cartoon ‘say’ to you? How do you interpret the cartoon’s meaning? Have you had a similar experience? Did the cartoon make you see things from a new perspective?, etc.
Write about anything at all….The only parameter is that you must tie your ‘reflections’ to a topic in Chapter 2 of the text through the use of citations. (chapter 2 screenshots attached).
Use this opportunity to ‘get creative’ and explore the topic of leadership.
Your reflection must be double-spaced, 250 words – approximately 1 page, 1 inch margins, and Times New Roman or Arial in 12-point font. Please note which cartoon you are writing about, A, B or C.